Monday, April 7, 2014

The All Nighter

This Friday Night is the TOP SECRET All Nighter with the Youth Ministry. Here is all the information you need to know. 

1. We will meet at Jefferson at 5pm
2. Bring a little extra money ($15 or so should take care of it)
3. We will be staying out ALL NIGHT, and we will NOT be in Cookeville. 
4. We will return to JA by 10:30am on Saturday (We may have one early van return if there are enough willing to come home by 8am)
5. Please don't ask about the plans! This will be a fantastic night! We will have a great time. TRUST US! 
6. We could use a couple more chaperones. Please let us know if you can be a part. 

looking forward to a great night! 


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