Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Are you ready for the JA Youth Fall???

School is Back!

That means the Fall Schedule with the JA Youth Ministry finally begins!


I hope you are excited about all the great things we have in store for the ministry in the coming months. I wanted to take a second to highlight a few.

We will kick off August with the beginning of our Wednesday After School program. This is a staple of youth ministry in Cookeville, and we are excited about our plans for this year. We will pick up at schools (please sign up on the bulletin board if you will be riding the vans and write which school you will be coming from!). Make sure to bring money for dinner and your Bible for Bible study.

On August 10, we will be saying farewell to the summer with our annual Farewell Banquet. This year, Midly and Rhone Jadis (pictured below) from GO! Camp will be our special guests. You don't want to miss this special night! Dress up and come out for a great meal. Everyone that comes will receive a JA Youth Sweatshirt! Sign up on the Bulletin Board if you will be attending.

On Sunday, September 1, we will be going as a group to the NHC Devotional. I want this to be the best attended NHC devotional of the year.

September 7 is the annual Bible Bowl at the Hooper Eblen Center. If you aren't participating in the event but still want to be a part of it, we may be able to use you as a score keeper (make sure you have been in Bible Bowl before and know the drill before you volunteer). Let me know if you are interested.

Mark your Calendars now for some great Teens 4 Christ Events...
September 15: Teens 4 Christ at Baxter
November 1-3: Teens 4 Christ Retreat at Indian Creek
November 10: Teens 4 Christ at Double Springs 

This ministry can't exist without your support. We are going to be pushing more than ever for you to be involved in this ministry. Please let Zach or Myself know if you can help with Wednesday After School...or Lock-Ins...or any other event. If we can't get the supervision for the events, we will be forced to cancel them. Please be a part!

Please be praying for God to bless the ministry this fall. We have a great plan, and God is a great God! Let's all push to get closer to Him as 2013 comes to a close!

I love you all,

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