Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Story

February 17, 2013

Chapter 5 "Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh"
Make Sure you read Chapter 3 before you come to class. If you want to read further, you can check out Exodus chapters 19-40.

On Sunday mornings in 2013, the youth ministry will be engaged in a Bible Study series walking through "The Story". Each week, the teens will be asked to read a chapter, and we will walk through what they read in class. Copies are available if you have not already received one. 

"The Story" tells the story of the Bible in the Bible's own words. The goal is to give our teens an overview of the entire Bible in one year. It's our prayer that, through our study of "The Story", our youth ministry will fall in love with "The Word" in a way that inspires them to begin their own journey through the pages of scripture. 

Come a few minutes early each week and enjoy breakfast with the rest of the youth group. (Parents, if you can help bring breakfast one week, please sign up on the bulletin board)

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