Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bible Studies 2013

In our ministry, the time we spend in the basement on Sunday morning and Wednesday night are our most important moments together. It's our goal to put together a balanced curriculum of textual and application based teaching. I am always looking for input where our class topics are concerned. Please email me at if you have any questions or suggestions where class is concerned. Here is our tentative schedule of study for 2013. 

Sunday Mornings
*January - May and August - December: "The Story" 
For Christmas last year, we gave all teens a copy of "The Story". This is a 31 chapter book that tells the story of the Bible using the actual text (NIV Version) of the Bible. It's our goal to take a year walking through the Old and New Testaments. When the year ends, our teens will have a picture of the story and how it fits into their lives...and, hopefully, will fall more in love with the complete Word as a result! 
*June and July: Applications from this year's Bible Bowl book
Whether you participate in Bible Bowl or not, there is great value in focusing on one book exclusively for a couple months. When the book is revealed in June, we are going to do that. The the Bible Bowl students, this will reinforce the study you are already engaged in. For the rest of the group, this will be a great study of how the chosen book applies to our daily walk. 

Wednesday Nights
*January and February: Faith Builders
God has called all of us to have a BIG Faith. We should know, without a shadow of a doubt, that God is our Creator and Father, that He knows our name, and that He is watching our for us every step of our lives. We are going to spend a couple months looking at what it means to have a faith like that, and looking at how God can strengthen that faith in us.
*March and April: The Christian Atheist
One of the biggest challenges facing teens today is to believe in God but live their lives as if He doesn't exist. We are going to take some time studying what it means to believe in God and live every moment for Him. 
April and May: Falling in love with the Church
We are going to answer some questions about the body of Christ. I hope to help the teens have a conviction about the Church that they are a part of. 
*June and July: Summer Series and Bible Bowl Classes
During the summer months, we will be joining the congregation for Summer Series. Bible Bowl participants will be meeting with their teams during this class time. 
*August and September: Disciple
We are going to kick off the school year looking at what it means to be a true disciple. We are also going to learn how to accept Jesus' challenge to go out and "Make Disciples".
*October and November: Lessons from the Book of James
In October and November, we will study from James (unless James is part of the Bible Bowl books...then we will study from another book)
*December: To Be Announced Later

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