Friday, March 22, 2013

Sunday, March 24 at JACOC!

This Sunday at Jefferson, we will be continuing our yearlong study through the Word. 

Make sure you read Chapter 9 of THE STORY ("The Faith of a Foreign Woman")

This is the shortest chapter in the book, and it comes from one of the shortest books of the Bible. So why don't you pick up your Bible and check out the book of Ruth this weekend! 

Parents, please try to map out some time in the schedules of your teens and encourage them to open the Word this week. Whether it's reading the assigned chapter in The Story or spending time together reading the book of Ruth. Please help us make studying the Word a priority in your teens lives. It's the greatest lesson you will ever teach them. 


This Sunday Night, we will have Sunday Night Devotional after evening services. The Savage family will be hosting at Cream City Ice Cream. Food will be provided. We will return to JA by 9pm. Please bring your friends! 

Have a great weekend. 

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