Sunday, March 2, 2014

Some Truths About Youth Ministry

Christ Driven Mythbusters
Some Truths About Youth Ministry
(My Bulletin Article For This Week)

I think Youth Ministry gets a bad wrap within the circles of the church, Many who have never been in the basement or have volunteered for a youth event assume we have created a bubble within the body that is nothing but fluff and entertainment. They assume that games are lifted up over gospel. I want to say, with conviction, that my prayer for the Jefferson Avenue ministry is to take the general conception of what youth ministry is and be a Christ Driven Myth Buster! 

With that said, I want share some truths about what youth ministry is (or should be). 

I believe youth ministry is real ministry. I believe teaching happens here. I believe leaders are developed here. I believe challenges are addressed here. I believe christians find other christians here and they walk together to exalt Christ in their everyday life. Unfortunately, this doesn’t describe everyone, but welcome to the body. People find the Lord in youth ministry. 

I believe the youth shouldn’t be locked in the basement. I think youth ministers have been a major contributor to the division of youth ministry and the rest of the body. This shouldn’t happen! If you want the youth to leave the day they graduate, lock them in the basement (for those that don’t know, our youth room is the basement…this isn’t a metaphor). We make generalizations that teens don’t want to be a part of the church. That’s not true. Many of them are in the word and love the Lord. Let’s put them to work. Let’s get them involved in the work of the body now, and they will stay involved. 

Strong youth ministry should build up families. I’ve said this directly to the parents. I’m not the main youth minister. I’m a supplement to the ministry that should be happening in the home on a minute to minute basis. Parents can’t afford to delegate spiritual responsibility to me or any other minister at JA (And youth ministers can’t afford to ignore the effect parents can have on the spiritual development of teens). Youth ministry is a bridge that connects the church and the home. 

I ask the church to pray every day for our teens. Pray for our ministry. Find a way to be a part. We have some incredible teenagers who are already making a great impact on the body with the gifts God has blessed them with. For all that are a part, thank you! We have a great youth ministry at Jefferson! May we continue to grow in knowledge and walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.


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