Thursday, January 30, 2014

January - W.A.S.

Cold doesn't begin to describe how we felt after standing outside Wednesday afternoon.
But we decided to spend our Wednesday after-schools trying to spread love to the community.
And a little bit of cold worked quite well into our plan.

We decided we'd spend the afternoon giving away hot chocolate to anyone who wanted some.
We stood in front of the church building, and enticed people with our colorful, homemade signs.

Some people were too shy to pull in. Some people tried to offer us money (no donations, though!) and some people were giggling at the delight of free cocoa.
Either way, it put a smile on people's faces. That was the whole idea behind it.

To top it off, we had sleeves on the cocoa cups inviting people to Super Sunday (February 2.)

If you know any of these teens, you would be so proud of them. It was FREEZING. I mean, SO COLD. These kids were outside for an hour making people smile and passing out cocoa. They took it so seriously, and never complained...even if their hands WERE as red as Rudolph's nose. What a great group of kids we have.

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